I grew up in 1960's Toronto. Civil rights, Feminism and Hope were everywhere. I have published a variety of short fiction, poetry, book reviews and literary interviews. I consider my fiction to be of a feminist nature. Strangely, sometime in the '70's I learned about Elizabeth I's 16th century reign, and decided Elizabeth I was the quintessential feminist. My first published novel, entitled A Second Self, is about Elizabeth I's remarkable reign. Though A Second Self presents as an historical novel, I consider it more of a psychological and emotional journey, taken alongside a truly inspiring force - Elizabeth I. I studied English literature and psychology at the University of Toronto, and creative writing at the Toronto Writing Workshop with Libby Scheier and Cary Fagan. Perhaps not surprisingly, I spend much time up in my characters' heads, attempting to understand exactly 'Why?'...
A Second Self - January 27, 2020
Release of my first novel, A Second Self - Elizabeth I, My Most Remarkable Friend, Amazon
Local Magazine Article - May, 2020
A neighbourhood magazine containing an article about my work. "Lori Callan's Life Long Pursuit of the Perfect Words" in Neighbours of High Park & Roncesvalles